LINQ Projection Operators (Select, SelectMany)

 In LINQ, projection is an operation that transforms an object into a new form that often consists only the properties which we used frequently.

Types of LINQ Projection Operators 

There are two types of projection operators in LINQ those are


  • Select
  • Select many

Following table shows more detail regarding projection operators in LINQ.


OperatorDescriptionQuery Syntax
SelectThis operator projects values based on transform
SelectManyThis operator projects sequence of values that are based on a transform function and then flattens them into one sequenceUse Multiple from Clauses

LINQ Select Projection Operator

In LINQ Select projection operator is used to select data from a collection. This LINQ select operator is same as SQL select clause.


Following is the syntax of using LINQ select projection operator to get data from a collection.


C# Code


var result = from u in userslist

select u;



Dim result = From s In Objstudent

Select s

To know more about LINQ select projection operator check this LINQ Select Projection Operator with Example.

LINQ SelectMany Projection Operator

In LINQ SelectMany projection operator is used to select values from the collection of collection.


Following is the syntax of using the LINQ SelectMany projection operator.


C# Code


var Subjects = Objstudent.SelectMany(x => x.Subjects);



Dim Subjects = Objstudent.SelectMany(Function(x) x.Subjects)